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The Unravelling Fantasia of Miss H.


Radical Embroidery Workshops Yorkshire 2023 with Hayley Mills-Styles


In January and February 2023 Stitched-up-theatre will bring ‘in person’ stitching workshops to Wakefield, Leeds, Doncaster and Halifax. Hurrah! We have been anticipating this moment for so long and now we are proud to introduce a new member of our team Yorkshire textile artist Hayley Mills-Styles who will be sharing her skills and passion for embroidery with women’s community groups. Through the activity we will explore our responses to Mary Frances Heaton’s story and what it means to have a voice as a woman.


Read below the history of our stitching journey since the project begin:


Having enjoyed our Expressive Embroidery workshops as part of our R & D in Wakefield, we were excited about bringing more stitching and performance workshops to Yorkshire in 2020/21 however due to lockdown restrictions we were forced to adapt.

Activity packs were sent out to our partner women’s community groups accompanied by online embroidery tutorials so that women could participate from home. We also sent a link to our adapted audioplay of the show for inspiration from Mary’s story while they stitched. Some of the lovely work produced can be seen in our Gallery.

View our online workshops here.

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